15. 04. 2013.

[eng/cro] Shades of Grey with Some Color

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Hello hello!

One nail art for you today!

Product used:
- Rapsodi Pacific 02 - base
- Collistar 36 Nero - flames
- Rapsodi Pacific 24 - for dots (violet)
- Golden Rose Charming Classics 58 - for dots (pink)
- Gabrini Elegant 300 (clear) - for top coat

I coated my nails with three coats of white polish and than painted black flames with flat soft painting brush pulling it from the top of the nail. In the end I placed some pink and violet dots with top of the painting brush holder and coated with clear nail polish.

And now more pictures and I hope you'll enjoy!

 Thank you for stopping by! :)


Pozdrav svima!

Imam jednu manikuru za vas :)

Proizvode koje sam koristila:
- Rapsodi Pacific 02 - baza
- Collistar 36 Nero - plamenovi
- Rapsodi Pacific 24 - točke (ljubičaste)
- Golden Rose Charming Classics 58 - točke (ružičaste)
- Gabrini Elegant 300 (prozirni) - završni premaz

Najprije sam nokte premazala s tri sloja bijelog laka, a zatim s crnim nacrtala ove plamenove pomoću mekanog plosnatog kista za slikanje. Na kraju sam pomoću vrška drške kista napravila ružičaste i ljubičaste točke, te nokte premazala prozirnim lakom.

Hvala što ste svratili na moj blog! :)

10. 04. 2013.

[eng] Orange-Violet with Dots and Green Apple

Hello hello!

After swatches of Golden Rose Paris num.89 (link) I did a manicure including that polish.

Products used:
- Golden Rose Paris num.89 - dark orange
- Gabrini Elegant num.367 - violet
- Collistar 36 Nero - black dots

... and my favorite sweet green apple

I painted my nails, three coats of Golden Rose Paris and two of Gabrini, and then put some black dots with top of the paint brush handle. It is pretty simple to do but I think it is happy and vibrant.

My boyfriend hates dots :D. He said that dotty nails look like bugs :D.

All pictures are taken on sunlight.

Thank you for visiting my blog! :)

[eng/cro] Golden Rose Paris Nail Lacquer - num. 89

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Hello everyone!

Today I'll show you Golden Rose nail polish in shade 89 from the Paris line.

And here are the swatches!

In picture below you can see how it looks like with one, two and three coats on my nails.


And on next pictures are my nails painted with three coats photographed on sunlight, daylight (out of sun) and artificial light with flash.



artificial light with flash

I like this polish for now, although it is transparent even with three coats. Application is very easy and it dries fast. But this polish makes bubbles and that happened to me with three coats. This is the only polish from this line that I have so I hope other shades don't make bubbles. More on the quality when I test it more.

The price and amount of polish you get: about 2,50$ for 11 ml, 0,37 fl.oz.

How do you like this shade? Do you own any of Golden Rose Paris polishes and what are yours opinion of them?

Thank you for stopping by!


Pozdrav svima!

U ovom postu možete vidjeti kako izgleda Golden Rose lak za nokte iz linije Paris u nijansi 89. Pokazala sam vam kako izgleda namazan s jednim, dva i tri sloja. Također, možete vidjeti kako izgleda fotografiran u tri sloja na suncu, dnevnom svjetlu u hladu i pod umjetnim svjetlom slikano s blicem.

Lak mi se sviđa, iako se rijedak i proziran je čak i s tri sloja. Brzo se suši i lako nanosi. Jedini problem kojeg imam jest da sam primijetila da radi mjehuriće na noktima s tri sloja laka. Kakvi su ostali lakovi iz ove linije ne znam, jer posjedujem samo ovaj. Daljnje utiske o ovom laku mogu vam napisati kasnije kada ga bolje isprobam.

Cijena i količina laka koju dobijete: 15 kn za 11 ml.
Lak možete kupiti u Golden Rose dućanima (u Rijeci imate u Robnoj kući Ri u prizemlju). Ako tko zna gdje se još može nabaviti, molim da podijelite tu informaciju :).

Imate li koji lak iz ove linije i kakvi su vaši utisci o njima?

Hvala na čitanju i gledanju!

08. 04. 2013.

[eng/cro] Golden Rose Charming Classics Nail Lacquer num. 07 + manicure

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Hello everyone!

Today I have for you swatch of Golden Rose Charming Classics Nail Lacquer in shade 07 and a simple manicure with it. So, first you can watch pictures of finished manicure and than swatches of mentioned nail polish.

Golden Rose Charming Classics Nail Lacquer num. 07

In pictures below you can see how it looks like in one, two, two thicker and three coats on my nails. First picture is photographed on artificial light and second on artificial light with flash.

I cannot review this polish yet because I didn't wear it enough but I can tell you that it sometimes makes bubbles with three coats of polish, but you can press it out with your finger. Just rub gently with your finger.
I hate when polish do that but this one isn't so bad in this terms.

Price and amount of polish: about 1,50$ in Croatia, 7,5 ml.
Made in Turkey.

How do you like this shade? Have you tried some polishes from this collection?


Products used:
- Golden Rose Charming Classics 07 - for base
- Golden Rose Charming Classics 58 (pink)
- Golden Rose Rich Color 27 (purple)
- Collistar 36 Nero - for dots
- Gabrini 300 (clear) - for top coat

I put three coats of Golden Rose Charming Classics 07 as a base and then I drew these flames with painting brush dipped in Golden Rose Charming Classics 58 and Golden Rose Rich Color 27. Then I put some dots of black 36 Collistar nail polish with a toothpick and finished with thin coat of Gabrini 300 clear nail polish.

I hope you like it! Thank you for stopping by! Please feel free to comment and  subscribe if you like my blog :)


Pozdrav svima!

Danas ću vam pokazati Golden Rose Charming Classics Nail Lacquer u nijansi 07 i jednu jednostavnu manikuru s tim lakom.

Na slikama iznad, ispod prve četiri fotografije manikure, možete vidjeti kako lak izgleda s jednim, dva, dva deblja i tri sloja na noktima. Prva od dvije fotografije fotografirana je pod umjetnim svjetlom, a druga također pod umjetnim svjetlom, ali s blicem.

Još uvijek ne mogu donijeti pravi sud o ovom laku jer ga nisam dovoljno nosila, ali mogu napisati što sam u startu  primijetila. Lak je na nekim noktima napravio mjehuriće, na noktima s tri sloja laka. No, mjehurići nisu jako veliki (visoki) te ih je moguće istisnuti laganim trljanjem nokta jagodicom prsta. Mrzim kad to lakovi rade, ali ovaj ipak nije toliko strašan.

Cijena laka je 9 kuna, a može se naći u Golden Rose dućanima (u Rijeci imate u prizemlju Robne kuće Ri).
Količina laka koju dobijete je 7,5 ml.
Proizvedeno u Turskoj.
Jeste li isprobali lakove iz ove linije? Kakvi su vaši dojmovi?
Lakovi koje sam koristila:
- Golden Rose Charming Classics 07 - za bazu
- Golden Rose Charming Classics 58 (rozi)
- Golden Rose Rich Color 27 (ljubičasti)
- Collistar 36 Nero - za točkice
- Gabrini 300 (clear) - završni premaz

Stavila sam tri sloja Golden Rose Charming Classics 07 laka kao bazu, a zatim sam mekim kistićem za slikanje umočenim u Golden Rose Charming Classics 58 i Golden Rose Rich Color 27 povukla ove plamenove. Zatim sam pomoću čačkalice nacrtala sitne crne točkice (Collistar 36 Nero lak). Na kraju sam stavila tanki sloj Gabrini 300 prozirnog laka kao završni premaz.

Nadam se da vam se sviđa! Hvala na čitanju i slobodno komentirajte ili se pretplatite na moj blog ako vam se sviđa :)

[eng/cro] Flormar Supershine Nail Polish num. 14

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Hello everyone!

In this post I'll show you beautiful Flormar nail polish from Supershine line in the shade 14. It's very popular shade and I didn't resist it either.

On the next picture you can see how it looks like in one, two and three coats.


Polish is a bit sticky and thick, but as you can see for deep color you need three coats. I found this polish a bit hard to apply. I have some polishes from this line and others are easier to apply.

And now several pictures with my painted nails with three coats, photographed on sunshine so you can see the beauty of the polish.

Picture below shows how it looks like in artificial light with flash.

Price and amount of polish: about 2,50$ in Croatia, 10 ml.
Made in Turkey.

And that is it. Thank you for reading and watching!


Pozdrav svima!

U ovom postu pokazat ću vam Flormar Supershine u nijansi 14. Ova nijansa je jako popularna i ne čudim se zašto. Prekrasna je, pa joj ni ja nisam mogla odoljeti.

Na slikama iznad možete vidjeti kako izgleda s jednim, dva i tri sloja, te kako izgleda fotografiran na suncu s tri sloja na noktima. Također, na zadnjoj slici koja prikazuje lak na noktima možete vidjeti kako izgleda pod umjetnim svjetlom fotografirano s blicem.

Tekstura laka, tj. ove nijanse, je gusta i pomalo ljepljiva. Imam nekoliko lakova iz ove linije i jedino s ovim imam otežanu aplikaciju. Nije da je nemoguća za rad, ali treba biti oprezan. Vrlo rado će se nakupiti na nekim dijelovima nokta dok će na drugim imati tanko pokrivanje. Iako je gust lak potrebna su tri sloja da biste dobili duboku boju kao u bočici. S dva sloja je blago transparentan.

Cijena laka je oko 15 kuna, a može se naći na displayu Flormar lakova u Plodinama te dućanima koji drže samo Flormar kozmetiku (u Rijeci imate u prizemlju Robne kuće Ri i u ZTC-u), a mislim da ih drži i Kozmo.
Količina laka koju dobijete je 10 ml.
Proizvedeno u Turskoj.

I to je to! Hvala vam na čitanju i gledanju!

03. 04. 2013.

[eng] Catrice Ultimate Nail Laquer - 820 Pimp My Shrimp


In this post I'll present one beautiful spring/summer nail polish: Catrice - 820 Pimp My Shrimp. More than this beautiful color I like it's cool name :D.

It was quite fun to photograph this polish and I hope you'll enjoy my pictures or just some of them :D.

Catrice Ultimate Nail Laquer
820 Pimp My Shrimp

It was nice day at the beach for me and my shrimp :).

I love this photo :D.

And now some serious business!
On pictures below you can see how it looks on my nails: first how it looks with one, two and three coats photographed on daylight.


Here are three coats also on daylight but out of the sunlight.


On next two pictures you can see nail polish on sunlight.


And on next two pictures you can see how it looks on artificial light with flash.

artificial light/flash

artificial light/flash

Three coats look a bit thick for my taste, so I'll be probably wearing two coats. Polish dries fast. Brush is short, thick and flat and it is easy to apply, but polish has a tendency to become transparent at some places with applying multiple coats if you're not carefull.
How many days you can wear it I can't tell you becouse I did't test it properly.

Price and amount of polish: about 3,50$ in Croatia for 10 ml of product, 0,33 fl.oz.
Made in Luxembourg.

For the end, look this cool orange polish! I'm kidding :D. It is same polish but my camera shows it orange on artificial light without flash. But I like this orange and I think I want a polish like this one.

Pimp My Shrimp is the only Catrice nail polish I have, and I definitely want to try more.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to comment. Say anything! :))

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